Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held via Zoom, on Tuesday, 26 January 2021 at 7:00 pm PRESENT: Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Chair), Cllr Michael Clarke (Vice Chair), Cllr Neil Faulkner, Cllr Philip Johnston-Davis, Cllr George McDonnell, Cllr Hayley Wilson. Also present: R Keillar (Clerk), DCllr Laura Pearson. 7 members of the Public CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS None. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME None received. 605 APOLOGIES AND REASON FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr M Duff (apologies not accepted) DCllr N Byatt, CCllr R Oxby. 606 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA None received. 607 MINUTES a) It was proposed by Cllr H Wilson, seconded by Cllr M Clarke and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held 8 December 2020 were taken as read and signed as correct. 608 REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES a) Local Police – The police report is now available to see online at: policing in our area b) District Councillors –DCllr Laura Pearson gave a brief verbal report. DCllr report online Meetings - NOCTONPARISHCOUNCIL c) County Councillor – CCllr Oxby had submitted his report by email, which had been circulated and posted onto the website. Meetings - NOCTONPARISHCOUNCIL 609 PARISH CLERK a) a) The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s Report which had been circulated previously. Items discussed further: b) Item 1.ii. An offer by Beeswax to hold a virtual update on works around the Beck at Dunston was considered to be not of relevance to Nocton PC however it was agreed that a link could be posted on the ‘What’s on in Nocton FB page, for any interested residents. c) Item 2.iv. A request had been forwarded to the clerk by a representative of the Hub team, with a request that a pizza van stand in the Hub grounds. It was agreed that the PC has no authority to approve this. d) b) The Parish Council noted the Financial Report which had been circulated previously. ACTION: Clerk/PJD 610 REVENUE BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2021/22 A Budget Report (attached) and Precept requirements for 2021-2022 had been circulated. It was proposed by Cllr G McDonnell, seconded by Cllr H Wilson and it was RESOLVED that the Precept requested be £23,375, representing an increase of 2.5%, £1.99. This will be submitted to NKDC by 29 January 2021. ACTION: clerk 611 NOCTON HUB a) Cllr N Faulkner gave a verbal report regarding the rebuilding/finishing ‘snagging list’ of the Nocton Hub. Some items are still outstanding. It was agreed that Cllr E Murray will chase this along with item b). b) A refund for electricity and overpayment due to incorrect invoicing had been requested at a Zoom meeting held 10 December and followed up several times during January. It was agreed that Cllr E Murray contact the contractor to make a further request for earliest payment. c) It was noted that a dedicated telephone number for the Hub has been received and this will default to the Hub Manager’s ‘phone. The number is 01526 595594. d) It was noted that a number of email addresses have been set up for and by various individuals, in relation to the Hub. It was agreed that these be rationalised, outdated email addresses deleted and that appropriate email/users be contained within the PC .gov.uk email system, in order to comply with GDPR. Appropriate new email addresses will be requested to the Clerk for distribution. e) It was agreed that all documentation and financial information currently held outside of the PC and by individual Cllrs be transferred to the clerk for the safe storage of same and GDPR compliance. It was agreed that documentation required by users once an official management body is established can be made available at that time. ACTION: Cllr E Murray / PJD / Clerk 612 NOCTON HUB MANAGEMENT a) It was reported that there had been 3 registers of interest from members of the community regarding the establishment of a formal Hub Management Group (HMG) to run the Hub on behalf of the Parish Council. It was agreed that Cllr E Murray head this group at this stage. b) It was reported that Cllr P Johnston-Davis was investigating the establishment of a group to investigate Charitable Status for Nocton Hub. It was noted that this was not urgent however steps should be taken soon. It was agreed that Cllr M Clarke assist with this process. ACTION: EM / PJD & MC 613 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND ISSUES a) The following applications were noted: i. 20/1160/FUL Land adjacent to Kelkherd House Main Street Nocton ii. 20/1675/HOUS 59 Wellhead Lane Nocton iii. 20/1679/FUL Land South Of Branston Causeway Bardney iv. 21/0034/HOUS Gap In The Hedge Moor Lane Potterhanworth 20/1536/VARCON Hanworth Country Park Station Road Potterhanworth – notification of planning committee, 2 February. b) The following applications were considered: v. 20/1731/HOUS 6 Woodlands Close Potterhanworth vi. 20/1790/PNTEL Communication Mast Potterhanworth Road Nocton Tree Works: vii. 21/0033/TPO The Retreat Nocton Hall Nocton No comments were required for any of the applications. c) The following planning decisions were noted: viii. 20/1136/FUL Plot 5 Land At Red House Farm Main Road Potterhanworth – approved ix. 20/1346/HOUS Alyth Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths – approved x. 20/1623/FUL Old Pumping Engine House Nocton Fen Lane Nocton – approved. xi. 20/1671/FUL Plot adj The Conifers Barff Road Potterhanworth – approved. d) Street Numbering: The Old Kennels, 1 Metheringham Heath Lane, Nocton, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN4 2AJ. (map attached). Cllrs were reminded that it was agreed at minute 272c) and 493, that any applications relating to Potterhanworth be noted and that no comments would be made unless requested by Potterhanworth. 614 CLERK/RFO ROLE The Clerk/RFO has advised that she is unable to continue with the clerk part of the current role and has offered an alternative option for the PC to consider. A report outlining suggested options has been circulated for information. a) It was proposed by Cllr M Clarke, seconded by Cllr N. Faulkner and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk/RFO continues to work as RFO only, with the current contract revised to reduce hours to 10 per month and with no PC meetings attended except for Budget/Precept annual meeting, to commence 1 April 2021. b) It was agreed that the Clerk role be replaced by another individual, based on 21 hours per month, commencing 1 April 2021. c) It was agreed in principle to approve the draft Job Description and Contract for the new role pending any amendments applied by the Personnel Committee. d) It was agreed in principle to approve the draft advert for the vacancy, pending any amendments applied by the Personnel Committee and that the advert be submitted to LALC by w/c 1 February, closing date 21 February. e) It was agreed that interviews might be held starting w/c 22 February, via Zoom. f) It was noted that the closing date could be extended if required. ACTION: GMCD / MC/ NF/ Clerk 615 NOCTON PARISH COUNCIL – DATES OF FUTURE MEETING It was noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 9 March 2021, via Zoom 7pm. PUBLIC QUESTION SESSION No comments. There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 20:26 Signed………………..E. MURRAY. Date……………….9 March 2021 Nocton Parish Council – 26 January 2021